How to Control a Doosan Robot from a PC Server

1. Subject:

How to program a Doosan robot by connecting it to a PC that functions as a server.

2. What You’ll Need:

A Doosan collaborative robot.

A PC with network access to Windows.

DRL Studio & Python, to code the script to communicate with the robot.

Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi to ensure that both the robot and PC are on the same network.

3. Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Install DRL Studio on the PC

Download DRL Studio from the Homberger website (DRL Studio | Homberger Robotica 4.0).

Install a compatible Python version to use as an interpreter, to create your programming environment, we recommend using Python 3.8 (Python Release Python 3.8.0 |

If the DRCF library import isn’t prompted automatically when creating a new file, then it is most likely an issue with your Python, ensure the required programming environment is installed correctly. Otherwise try uninstalling all instances of Python, then uninstall and reinstall DRL Studio and this should fix it.

Step 2: Configure the Network Connection

Option 1: Ethernet

Connect the Doosan robot to the PC using an Ethernet cable.

Set your static IP & subnet to match the Robots, especially check the highlighted numbers as they need to be the same, otherwise you can experience not being able to connect to the Humberger Hub, via DRL Studio.


Robot IP:


Option 2: Wi-Fi

Connect the PC to the Homberger Hub’s wifi. The name and password is written down on the backside of the box.

Set your static IP & subnet to match the Robots, especially check the highlighted numbers as they need to be the same, otherwise you can experience not being able to connect to the Humberger Hub, via DRL Studio.


Robot IP:


Step 3: Set Up the PC as a Server

On the PC, create a simple server using Python’s socket library.

Example of how to do this in Python:

import socket 

Create a TCP socket using IPv4 (AF_INET) and TCP (SOCK_STREAM)

server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 

Define the IP address and port number for the server

host = ''  	# Use your PC's IP address 

port = 8080 

Bind the server to the specified IP address and port

server_socket.bind((host, port)) 

Start listening for incoming connections (max 1 connection)


print(f"Server is running on {host}:{port}")

Accept a connection from a client (e.g., a robot)

client_socket, addr = server_socket.accept() 

print(f"Connection from {addr} established!")

Continuously receive and print data from the client until they stop sending
while True:

 data = client_socket.recv(1024)  # Receive up to 1024 bytes of data 

    if not data:  # If no data is received, break the loop 


    print(f"Received data: {data.decode()}")  # Decode and print the received data

Close the client and server sockets after the connection is finished



Step 4: Configure the Robot to Communicate with the PC

In the Doosan robot controller:

Go to the Communication Settings.

Set the robot to act as a client by providing the PC’s IP address (from step 3) and port (8080 in this case).

Test the connection to make sure the robot is communicating with the PC.

Step 5: Send Commands from the PC to the Robot

Using the Doosan DRL, or your own script, send commands to the robot.

A simple Python code example to control the robot:

from dssdk import DR_SDK

Initialize the robot with its IP address

robot = DR_SDK('') # Replace with your robot’s IP address

Define the target position for the robot: [X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ] in mm and degrees

target_position = [500, 0, 400, 0, 90, 0]

Send the move command to the robot to move it to the target position


print(f"Robot is moving to position: {target_position}")

Step 6: Verify Robot Execution

Observe the robot responding to the PC’s commands.

You can adjust the commands in your script to move the robot in different patterns or perform tasks as you like.

Step 7: Closing the Server and Shutting Down

Once the task is complete, safely disconnect the server by using this command:


4. Summary:

By setting up your PC as a server and configuring the Doosan robot to connect, you can control and program the robot using Python or DRL. This approach provides flexible and remote control for various robotic tasks.

The code we used:

Doosan robot code:

# This program must be execute on robot 

from DRCF import * # type: ignore 

 import powerup.remote as remote # type: ignore

# Start remote API 

remote.start_tcp_remote_api(9225, logging=True)

Pc server code:

import socket 

import logging 

import re 


class DoosanRobot: 

    def __init__(self): 

        self.ip = ''  # Correct IP address 

        self.port = 9225  # Port 

        self.sock = None 

        self.is_connected = False  # Track connection status 

        self.logger = logging.getLogger()  # Use the same logger instance 

        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)  # Setup basic logging 


    def connect(self): 


            self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 

            robot_address = (self.ip, self.port)  # Correct address 


            self.is_connected = True  # Set connection status 

  "Connected to Doosan M1013 at {self.ip}:{self.port}") 

        except Exception as e: 

            self.is_connected = False  # Reset connection status on failure 

            self.logger.error(f"Failed to connect: {e}") 


    def send(self, message): 

        """Sends a message to the robot.""" 


            if self.sock and self.is_connected:  # Ensure connection is established 


      "Sent: {message}") 


                self.logger.warning("Connection not established.") 

        except Exception as e: 

            self.logger.error(f"Failed to send: {e}") 


    def receive(self, buffer_size=1024): 

        """Receives a message from the robot.""" 


            if self.sock and self.is_connected:  # Ensure connection is established 

                response = self.sock.recv(buffer_size).decode() 

      "Received: {response}") 

                return response 


                self.logger.warning("Connection not established.") 

        except Exception as e: 

            self.logger.error(f"Failed to receive: {e}") 


    def close(self): 

        """Closes the connection to the robot.""" 

        if self.sock: 


            self.sock = None 

            self.is_connected = False  # Reset connection status 

  "Connection closed.") 


how to use it: 

robot = DoosanRobot() 



robot.connect()robot = DoosanRobot()

Written by The Ter laak Group


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