On the ABB Flexpicker, conveyor tracking is missing, so you will have to make it yourself.
Here is how to do that:
You will need to place an encoder on the conveyer. Because the ABB doesn’t have fast counters you need to connect it to a PLC, Raspberry pi or Arduino.
On this system you calculate the speed in mm/s this can be done by the following formula:
#Repeat every seccond:
Speed = ([Pulses] / [Pulses per rotation]) * ([Distance encoder to conveyor belt] * 2 * π);
Pulses = 0;
The speed needs to be send to the ABB bot, there are multiple ways to do it. We did this by our already existing TCP channel.
On the ABB:
You will to need to make a separate task to calculate the current location of the object. You can do this as followd:
Click on the controller tab
Sellect the satation on the left
Open the map configuration
Click on controller
Click on Task
Right click and select new task
Warm restart station
Make a new program
In this program you need to do the following:
- Start a timer
- Get the speed of the conveyor from the comunication task
- Get the time and cordinates of when the item was detected
- Calculate the current position
Example program:
Num time;
Num X_position;
BOOL detected;
BOOL inrange;
PERS item item1;
PERS conveyorSpeed;
PERS clock timer;
PROC main()
CLKReset timer;
CLKStart timer;
IF item1.detected DO
Item1.X_position := item1.X_position – conveyorSpeed * (CLKRead(timer) – item1.time);
Item1.time := CLKRead(timer);
IF item1.X_position < 200 DO
Item1.inrange := TRUE;
WAITTIME 0.001; !needed against overheating of the proccesor